Further reading
Key references
Verme, P. Happiness,
Deprivation, and the Alter Ego ECINEQ,
Society for the Study of Economic Inequality Working
Paper No.155, 2010. Key reference: [1]
Yitzhaki, S. "Relative
deprivation and the Gini coefficient" Quarterly Journal
of Economics 93:2 (1979): 321–324. Key reference: [2]
Deaton, A. Relative
Deprivation, Inequality, and Mortality NBER Working
Paper No.8099, 2001. Key reference: [3]
Clark, A. E., Frijters, P., Shields, M. "Relative income,
happiness and utility: An explanation for the Easterlin paradox
and other puzzles" Journal of
Economic Literature 46:1 (2008): 95–144. Key reference: [4]
Mangyo, E., Park, A. "Relative
deprivation and health: Which reference groups matter?" Journal of Human
Resources 46:3 (2011): 459–481. Key reference: [5]
Chen, X. "Relative
deprivation in China" In: Fan, S., Kanbur, R., Wei, S. J., Zhang, X. (eds). The Oxford
Companion to the Economics of China. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. Key reference: [6]
Eibner, C., Evans, W. "Relative
deprivation, poor health habits, and mortality" Journal of Human
Resources 40:3 (2005): 591–620. Key reference: [7]
Balsa, A., French, M., Regan, T. "Relative
deprivation and risky behaviors" Journal of Human
Resources 49:2 (2014): 446–471. Key reference: [8]
Chen, X., Zhang, X. Costly Posturing:
Relative Status, Ceremonies and Early Child Development in
Working Paper No.201270, 2012. Key reference: [9]
Graham, C., Chattopadhyay, S., Picon, M. "The Easterlin and
other paradoxes: Why both sides of the debate may be
correct" In: Diener, E., Helliwell, J. F., Kahneman, D. (eds). International
Differences in Well-Being (Positive Psychology). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. Key reference: [10]
Ferrer-i-Carbonell, A. "Income and
well-being: An empirical analysis of the comparison income
effect" Journal of Public
Economics 89:5–6 (2005): 997–1019. Key reference: [11]
Heffetz, O. "A test of
conspicuous consumption: Visibility and income
elasticities" Review of
Economics and Statistics 93:4 (2011): 1101–1117. Key reference: [12]
Ravallion, M., Chen, S. "Weakly relative
poverty" Review of
Economics and Statistics 93:4 (2011): 1251–1261. Key reference: [13]
Verme, P. Happiness,
Deprivation, and the Alter Ego ECINEQ,
Society for the Study of Economic Inequality Working
Paper No.155, 2010.
Additional References
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