References for Presenteeism at the workplace
Further reading
Key references
Johns, G. "Presenteeism in
the workplace: A review and research agenda" Journal of
Organizational Behavior 31:4 (2010): 519–542. Key reference: [1]
Lohaus, D., Habermann, W. "Presenteeism: A
review and research directions" Human Resource
Management Review 29:1 (2019): 43–58. Key reference: [2]
Karanika-Murray, M., Biron, C. "The
health-performance framework of presenteeism: Towards
understanding an adaptive behavior" Human
Relations 73:2 (2020): 242–261. Key reference: [3]
Arnold, D. "Determinants of
the annual duration of sickness presenteeism: Empirical evidence
from European data" Labour 30:2 (2016): 198–212. Key reference: [4]
Biron, C., Brun, J-P., Ivers, H., Cooper, C. L. "At work but ill:
Psychosocial work environment and well-being determinants of
presenteeism propensity" Journal of Public
Mental Health 5:4 (2006): 26–37. Key reference: [5]
Hirsch, B., Lechmann, D. S. J., Schnabel, C. "Coming to work
while sick: An economic theory of presenteeism with an
application to German data" Oxford Economic
Papers 69:4 (2017): 1010–1031. Key reference: [6]
Reuter, M., Wahrendorf, M., Di Tecco, C., Probst, T. M., Ruhle, S., Ghezzi, V., Barbaranelli, C., Iavicoli, S., Dragano, N. "Do temporary
workers more often decide to work while sick? Evidence for the
link between employment contract and presenteeism in
Europe" International
Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16:10 (2019): 1868. Key reference: [7]
Aronsson, G., Gustafsson, K. "Sickness
presenteeism: Prevalence, attendance-pressure factors, and an
outline of a model for research" Journal of
Occupational and Environmental Medicine 47:9 (2005): 958–966. Key reference: [8]
Brown, S., Sessions, J. G. "Absenteeism,
‘presenteeism’, and shirking" Economic
Issues 9:1 (2004): 15–21. Key reference: [9]
Chatterji, M., Tilley, C. J. "Sickness,
absenteeism, presenteeism, and sick pay" Oxford Economic
Papers 54:4 (2002): 669–687. Key reference: [10]
Miraglia, M., Johns, G. "Going to work ill:
A meta-analysis of the correlates of presenteeism and a
dual-path model" Journal of
Occupational Health Psychology 21:3 (2016): 261–283. Key reference: [11]
Pauly, M. V., Nicholson, S., Polsky, D., Berger, M. L., Sharda, C. "Valuing reductions
in on-the-job illness: ‘Presenteeism’ from managerial and
economic perspectives" Health
Economics 17:4 (2008): 469–485. Key reference: [12]
Skagen, K., Collins, A. M. "The consequences
of sickness presenteeism on health and wellbeing over time: A
systematic review" Social Science
& Medicine 161 (2016): 169–177. Key reference: [13]
Johns, G. "Presenteeism in
the workplace: A review and research agenda" Journal of
Organizational Behavior 31:4 (2010): 519–542.
Additional References
- Al Nuhait, M., Al Harbi, K., Al Jarboa, A., Bustami, R., Alharbi, S., Masud, N., Albekairy, A., Almodaimegh, H. "Sickness presenteeism among health care providers in an academic tertiary care center in Riyadh" Journal of Infection and Public Health 10:6 (2017): 711–715.
- Arnold, D., de Pinto, M. "How are work-related characteristics linked to sickness absence and presenteeism? Theory and data" Schmollers Jahrbuch 135:4 (2015): 465–498.
- Baker-McClearn, D., Greasly, K., Dale, J., Griffith, F. "Absence management and presenteeism: The pressures on employees to attend work and the impact of attendance on performance" Human Resource Management Journal 20:3 (2010): 311–328.
- Böckerman, P., Laukkanen, E. "What makes you work while you are sick? Evidence from a survey of workers" European Journal of Public Health 20:1 (2010): 43–46.
- Caverley, N., Cunningham, J. B., MacGregor, J. N. "Sickness presenteeism, sickness absenteeism, and health following restructuring in a public service organization" Journal of Management Studies 44:2 (2007): 304–319.
- Demerouti, E., Le Blanc, P. M., Bakker, A. B., Schaufeli, W. B., Hox, J. "Present but sick: A three-wave study on job demands, presenteeism and burnout" Career Development International 14:1 (2009): 50–68.
- Fernando, M., Caputi, P., Ashbury, F. "Impact on employee productivity from presenteeism and absenteeism: Evidence from a multinational firm in Sri Lanka" Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 59:7 (2017): 691–696.
- Gosselin, E., Lemyre, L., Corneil, W. "Presenteeism and absenteeism: Differentiated understanding of related phenomena" Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 18:1 (2013): 75–86.
- Gustafsson Sendén, M., Lovseth, L. T., Schenck-Gustafsson, K., Fridner, A. "What makes physicians go to work while sick: A comparative study of sickness presenteeism in four European countries (HOUPE)" Swiss Medical Weekly (2013).
- Hansen, C. D., Andersen, J. H. "Sick at work—A risk factor for long-term sickness absence at a later date?" Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 63:5 (2009): 397–402.
- Hemp, P. "Presenteeism: At work—But out of it" Harvard Business Review 82:10 (2004): 49–58.
- Johansen, V., Aronsson, G., Marklund, S. "Positive and negative reasons for sickness presenteeism in Norway and Sweden: A cross-sectional survey" BMJ Open 4:2 (2014).
- Lu, L., Cooper, C. L., Yen Lin, H. "A cross-cultural examination of presenteeism and supervisory support" Career Development International 18:5 (2013): 440–456.
- Markussen, S., Mykletun, A., Røed, K. "The case for presenteeism—Evidence from Norway's sickness insurance program" Journal of Public Economics 96:11 (2012): 959–972.
- Møller Pedersen, K., Skagen, K. The Economics of Presenteeism: A Discrete Choice and Count Model Framework COHERE Discussion Paper No.2014:2, 2014.
- Nordenmark, M., Hagqvist, E., Vinberg, S. "Sickness presenteeism among the self-employed and employed in northwestern Europe" Safety and Health at Work 10:2 (2019): 224–228.
- Schultz, A. B., Eddington, D. W. "Employee health and presenteeism: A systematic review" Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation 17:3 (2007): 547–579.