References for Parental leave and maternal labor supply
Further reading
- Albrecht, J., Skogman Thoursie, P., Vroman, S. "Parental leave and the glass ceiling in Sweden" In: Polachek, S. W., Tatsiramos, K., Zimmermann, K. F. (eds). Gender Convergence in the Labor Market. Vol. 41. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing, 2015.
- Lalive, R., Schlosser, A., Steinhauer, A., Zweimüller, J. "Parental leave and mothers’ careers: The relative importance of job protection and cash benefits" Review of Economic Studies 81:1 (2014): 219–265.
Key references
Waldfogel, J. "The impact of the Family and
Medical Leave Act" Journal of Policy Analysis and
Management 18:2 (1999): 281–302. Key reference: [1]
Baum, C. L. "Does early maternal employment
harm child development? An analysis of the potential benefits of leave
taking" Journal of labor Economics 21:2 (2003): 409–448. Key reference: [2]
Baker, M., Milligan, K. "How does job-protected maternity
leave affect mothers’ employment?" Journal of Labor Economics 26:4 (2008): 655–691. Key reference: [3]
Erjnæs, M., Kunze, A. "Work and wage dynamics around
childbirth" Scandinavian Journal of
Economics 115:3 (2013): 856–877. Key reference: [4]
Schönberg, U., Ludsteck, J. "Expansions in maternity leave
coverage and mothers’ labor market outcomes after childbirth" Journal of Labor Economics 32:3 (2014): 469–505. Key reference: [5]
Lalive, R., Zweimüller, J. "How does parental leave affect
fertility and return to work? Evidence from two natural experiments" Quarterly Journal of
Economics 124:3 (2009): 1363–1402. Key reference: [6]
Dahl, G., Løken, K., Mogstad, M., Salvanes, K. V. What is the Case for Paid
Maternity Leave? NBER Working
Paper No.19595, 2013. Key reference: [7]
Ruhm, C. "The economic consequences of
parental leave mandates: Lessons from Europe" Quarterly Journal of
Economics 113:1 (1998): 285–317. Key reference: [8]
Felfe, C. "The motherhood wage gap: What
about job amenities?" Labour Economics 19:1 (2012): 59–67. Key reference: [9]
Petit, P. "The effects of age and family
constraints on gender hiring discrimination: A field experiment in the French
financial sector" Labour Economics 14:3 (2007): 371–391. Key reference: [10]
Correll, S. J., Benard, S., Paik, I. "Getting a job: Is there a
motherhood penalty?" American Journal of
Sociology 112:5 (2007): 1297–1338. Key reference: [11]
Manning, A., Petrongolo, B. "The part-time pay penalty for
women in Britain" The Economic Journal 118:526 (2008): F28–F51. Key reference: [12]
Kunze, A. "The family gap in career
progression" In: Polachek, S. W., Tatsiramos, K., Zimmermann, K. F. (eds). Gender Convergence in the Labor
Market. Vol. 41. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing, 2015. Key reference: [13]
Waldfogel, J. "The impact of the Family and
Medical Leave Act" Journal of Policy Analysis and
Management 18:2 (1999): 281–302.
Additional References
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- Baker, M., Milligan, K. "How does job-protected maternity leave affect mothers’ employment?" Journal of Labor Economics 26:4 (2008): 655–691.
- Baum, C. L. "The effect of state maternity leave legislation and the 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act on employment and wages" Labour Economics 10:5 (2003): 573–596.
- Baum, C. L. "The effects of maternity leave legislation on mothers’ labor supply after childbirth" Southern Economic Journal 69:4 (2003): 772–799.
- Bergemann, A., Riphahn, R. T. "Female labour supply and parental leave benefits—The causal effect of paying higher transfers for a shorter period of time" Applied Economics Letters 18:1 (2010): 17–20.
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- Carlsson, M., Fumarco, L., Rooth, D. "Does the design of correspondence studies influence the measurement of discrimination?" IZA Journal of Migration 3:11 (2014).
- Carneiro, P., Løken, K. V., Salvanes, K. "A flying start? Maternity leave benefits and long run outcomes of children" Journal of Political Economy 123:2 (2015): 365–412.
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- Dahl, G., Løken, K. V., Mogstad, M. "Peer effects in program participation" American Economic Review 104:7 (2014): 2049–2074.
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- Del Boca, D., Pasqua, S., Pronzato, C. "Motherhood and market work decisions in institutional context: A European perspective" Oxford Economic Papers 61:S1 (2009): i147–i171.
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