References for Obesity and labor market outcomes
Further reading
- Averett, S. "Obesity, poverty and the ability to pay for calories" In: Jefferson, P. N. (ed). The Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Poverty. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012.
- Averett, S. "Labor market consequences: Employment, wages, disability, and absenteeism" In: Cawley, J. (ed). The Oxford Handbook of the Social Science of Obesity. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.
- Biener, A., Cawley, J., Meyerhoefer, C. "The impact of obesity on medical care costs and labor market outcomes in the US" Clinical Chemistry 64:1 (2018): 108–117.
- Cawley, J., Maclean, J. C., Hammer, M., Wintfeld, N. "Reporting error in weight and its implications for bias in economic models" Economics and Human Biology 19 (2015): 27–44.
- GBD 2015 Obesity Collaborators. "Health effects of overweight and obesity in 195 countries over 25 years" New England Journal of Medicine 377:1 (2017): 13–27.
Key references
OECD OECD Obesity Update
2017. Paris: OECD, 2017. Key reference: [1]
Hennekens, C., Andreotti, F. "Leading avoidable
cause of premature deaths worldwide: Case for obesity" The American
Journal of Medicine 126:2 (2013): 97–98. Key reference: [2]
Averett, S., Korenman, S. "The economic
reality of the beauty myth" Journal of Human
Resources 31:2 (1996): 304–330. Key reference: [3]
Devaux, M., Sassi, F., Church, J., Cecchini, M., Borgonovi, F. "Exploring the
relationship between education and obesity" OECD
Journal (2011). Key reference: [4]
Cawley, J. "An economy of
scales: A selective review of obesity's economic causes,
consequences, and solutions" Journal of Health
Economics 43 (2015): 244–268. Key reference: [5]
Cawley, J. "The impact of
obesity on wages" Journal of Human
Resources 39:2 (2004): 451–474. Key reference: [6]
García Villar, J., Quintana-Domeque, C. "Obesity, employment
and wages in Europe" In: Bolin, J. K., Cawley, J. (eds). The Economics of
Obesity (Advances in Health Economics and Health Services
Research, Vol. 17). Bingley: Emerald Publishing Group, 2006. Key reference: [7]
Brunello, G., Michaud, P., Sanz-de-Galdeano, A. "The rise of obesity
in Europe: An economic perspective" Economic
Policy 24:59 (2009): 551–596. Key reference: [8]
Rooth, D. "Obesity,
attractiveness, and differential treatment in hiring: A field
experiment" Journal of Human
Resources 44:3 (2009): 710–735. Key reference: [9]
Courtemanche, C., Pinkston, J. C., Stewart, J. "Adjusting body mass
for measurement error with invalid validation data" Economics and Human
Biology 19 (2015): 275–293. Key reference: [10]
OECD OECD Obesity Update
2017. Paris: OECD, 2017.
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