References for Multitasking at work: Do firms get what they pay for?
Further reading
Key references
Kerr, S. "On the folly of
rewarding A while hoping for B" Academy of
Management Executive 9:1 (1995): 7–14. Key reference: [1]
Lazear, E. "Performance pay
and productivity" American Economic
Review 90:5 (2000): 1346–1361. Key reference: [2]
Hong, F., Hossain, T., List, J., Tanaka, M. Testing the Theory
of Multitasking: Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment in
Chinese Factories NBER Working
Paper No.No. 19660, 2013. Key reference: [3]
Drago, R., Garvey, G. "Incentives for
helping on the job: Theory and evidence" Journal of Labor
Economics 16:1 (1998): 1–25. Key reference: [4]
Lu, S. F. "Multitasking,
information disclosure, and product quality: Evidence from
nursing homes" Journal of
Economics and Management Strategy 21:3 (2012): 673–705. Key reference: [5]
Blau, D. M. "Unintended
consequences of child care regulations" Labour
Economics 14:3 (2007): 513–538. Key reference: [6]
Larkin, I. "The cost of
high-powered incentives: Employee gaming in enterprise software
sales" Journal of Labor
Economics 32:2 (2014): 199–227. Key reference: [7]
Larkin, I., Leider, S. "Incentive schemes,
sorting and behavioral biases of employees: Experimental
evidence" American Economic
Journal: Microeconomics 4:2 (2012): 184–214. Key reference: [8]
Bartel, A. P., Cardiff-Hicks, B., Shaw, K. "Incentives for
lawyers: Moving away from ‘eat what you kill’" Industrial and
Labor Relations Review 70:2 (2017): 336–358. Key reference: [9]
Wesemann, E., Jarrett-Kerr, N. The Edge
International 2012 Global Partner Compensation Survey,
2012. London: Edge International, 2012. Key reference: [10]
Dumont, E., Fortin, B., Jacquemet, N., Shearer, B. "Physicians’
multitasking and incentives: Empirical evidence from a natural
experiment" Journal of Health
Economics 27:6 (2008): 1436–1450. Key reference: [11]
Kaplan, R., Norton, D. "The balanced
scorecard: Measures that drive performance" Harvard Business
Review 70:1 (1992): 71–79. Key reference: [12]
Griffith, R., Neely, A. "Performance pay
and managerial experience in multitask teams: Evidence from
within a firm" Journal of Labor
Economics 27:1 (2009): 48–82. Key reference: [13]
Kerr, S. "On the folly of
rewarding A while hoping for B" Academy of
Management Executive 9:1 (1995): 7–14.
Additional References