References for Motherhood wage penalty may affect pronatalist policies
Further reading
- Budig, M., Misra, J., Boeckmann, I. "Work–family policy trade-offs for mothers? Unpacking the cross-national variation in motherhood earnings penalties" Work and Occupations 43:2 (2016): 119–177.
- Nizalova, O., Sliusarenko, T., Shpak, S. "The motherhood wage penalty in times of transition" Journal of Comparative Economics 44:1 (2016): 56–75.
Key references
Lisenkova, K., McQuaid, R., Wright, R. E. "Demographic change
and labour markets" Twenty-First
Century Society: Journal of the Academy of Social
Sciences 5:3 (2010): 243–259. Key reference: [1]
Milligan, K. "Subsidizing the
stork: New evidence on tax incentives and fertility" The Review of
Economics and Statistics 87:3 (2005): 539–555. Key reference: [2]
Cohen, A., Dehejia, R., Romanov, D. "Financial
incentives and fertility" The Review of
Economics and Statistics 95:1 (2013): 1–20. Key reference: [3]
Budig, M., England, P. "The wage penalty
for motherhood" American
Sociological Review 66:2 (2001): 204–225. Key reference: [4]
Felfe, C. "The motherhood
wage gap: What about job amenities?" Labour
Economics 19:1 (2012): 59–67. Key reference: [5]
Kalist, D. "Does motherhood
affect productivity, relative performance, and earnings?" Journal of Labor
Research 29:3 (2008): 219–235. Key reference: [6]
Cole, J., Zuckerman, H. "Marriage,
motherhood, and research performance in science" Scientific
American 256:2 (1987): 119–125. Key reference: [7]
Fox, M. F. "Gender, family
characteristics, and publication productivity among
scientists" Social Studies of
Science 35:1 (2005): 131–150. Key reference: [8]
Benard, S., Paik, I., Correll, S. "Cognitive bias and
the motherhood penalty" Hasting Law
Journal 59 (2008): 131–150. Key reference: [9]
Glass, C., Fodor, E. "Public maternalism
goes to market recruitment, hiring, and promotion in
postsocialist Hungary" Gender &
Society 25:1 (2011): 5–26. Key reference: [10]
Budig, M., Misra, J., Boeckmann, I. "The motherhood
penalty in cross-national perspective: The importance of
work–family policies and cultural attitudes" Oxford
Journal 19:2 (2012): 163–193. Key reference: [11]
Kornstad, T., Ronsen, M. Women’s Wages and
Fertility Revisited Statics Norway
Research Department Discussion
Paper No.No. 7, 2014. Key reference: [12]
Day, C., Guest, R. "Fertility and
female wages: A new link via house prices" Economic
Modelling 53 (2016): 121–132. Key reference: [13]
Lisenkova, K., McQuaid, R., Wright, R. E. "Demographic change
and labour markets" Twenty-First
Century Society: Journal of the Academy of Social
Sciences 5:3 (2010): 243–259.
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