References for Labor market institutions and policies in old and new EU members
Further reading
Key references
Koukiadaki, A. Evaluating the effects of the structural labour market reforms on collective bargaining in Greece Conditions of Work and Employment Series No.85, 2016. Key reference: [1]
Aidt, T. S., Tzannatos, Z. "Trade unions, collective bargaining and macroeconomic performance: a review" Industrial Relations Journal 39:4 (2008): 258-295. Key reference: [2]
OECD The OECD Jobs Study – Facts, Analysis, Strategies. Paris: OECD Publishing, 1994. Key reference: [3]
Bassanini, A., Duval, R. Employment Patterns in OECD Countries: Reassessing the Role of Policies and Institutions OECD Economics Department Working Papers No.486, 2006. Key reference: [4]
Lehmann, H., Muravyev, A. "Labour market institutions and labour market performance. What can we learn from transition countries?" Economics of Transition 20:2 (2012): 235–269. Key reference: [5]
Card, D. "Who Set Your Wage?" American Economic Review 112:4 (2022): 1075-1090. Key reference: [6]
Bassanini, A., Bovini, G., Caroli, E., Ferrando, J. C., Cingano, F., Falco, P., Felgueroso, F., Jansen, M., Martins, P. S., Melo, A., Oberfichtner, M., Popp, M. Labour Market Concentration, Wages and Job Security in Europe IZA Discussion Paper No.15231, 2013. Key reference: [7]
Blanchard, O. J., Jaumotte, F., Loungani, P. "Labor market policies and IMF advice in advanced economies during the Great Recession" IZA Journal of Labor Policy 3:2 (2014). Key reference: [8]
Garnero, A. "The impact of collective bargaining on employment and wage inequality: Evidence from a new taxonomy of bargaining systems" European Journal of Industrial Relations 27:2 (2021): 185-202. Key reference: [9]
Barth, E., Bryson, A., Dale-Olsen, H. "Union Density Effects on Productivity and Wages" Economic Journal 130:631 (2020): 1899-1936. Key reference: [10]
Denk, O., Garnero, A., Hijzen, A., Martin, S. "The role of collective bargaining systems for labour market performance" Negotiating Our Way Up: Collective Bargaining in a Changing World of Work. Paris: OECD Publishing, 2019. Key reference: [11]
OECD "Job Retention Schemes" OECD, Employment Outlook 2021: Navigating the COVID-19 Crisis and Recovery. Paris: OECD, 2021. Key reference: [12]
Arnold, N., Kammer, A. "Europe’s COVID-19 Crisis Response: A Race Well Run, But Not Yet Won" Intereconomics 56:4 (2021): 194-196. Key reference: [13]
Anderton, R., Botelho, V., Consolo, A., Dias da Silva, A., Foroni, C., Mohr, M., Vivian, Lara. "The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the euro area labour market" ECB Economic Bulletin (2020). Key reference: [14]
European Commission Proposal for A Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council On Adequate Minimum Wages in the European Union. Communication from the Commission to the Member States, COM(2020) 682 final, 2020. Key reference: [15]
Koukiadaki, A. Evaluating the effects of the structural labour market reforms on collective bargaining in Greece Conditions of Work and Employment Series No.85, 2016.
Additional References
- Bohle, D., Greskovits, B. "Neoliberalism, embedded neoliberalism and neocorporatism: Towards transnational capitalism in Central-Eastern Europe" West European Politics 30:3 (2007): 443–466.
- Ibsen, C. L. "Three approaches to coordinated bargaining: A case for power-based explanations" European Journal of Industrial Relations 21:1 (2015): 39–56.
- Lehmann, H., Muravyev, A. "Labor markets and labor market institutions in transition economies" In: Hare, P., Turley, G. (eds). Handbook of the Economics and Political Economy of Transition. London: Routledge, 2013.
- Magda, I., Marsden, D., Moriconi, S. "Collective agreements, wages, and firms’ cohorts: Evidence from Central Europe" ILR Review 65:3 (2012): 607–629.
- Nickell, S., Layard, R. "Labor market institutions and economic performance" In: Ashenfelter, O., Layard, R., Card, D. (eds). Handbook of Labor Economics Volume 3, Part C. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1999.