References for Incentives for prosocial activities
Further reading
Key references
Lacetera, N., Macis, M., Slonim, R. "Will there be
blood? Incentives and displacement effects in pro-social
behavior" American Economic
Journal: Economic Policy 4:1 (2012): 186–223. Key reference: [1]
Titmuss, R. M. The Gift
Relationship. Crows Nest, Australia: Allen and Unwin, 1970. Key reference: [2]
Lacetera, N., Macis, M., Slonim, R. "Economic rewards
to motivate blood donations" Science 340:6135 (2013): 927–928. Key reference: [3]
Frey, B. S., Oberholzer-Gee, F., Eichenberger, R. "The old lady
visits your backyard: A tale of morals and markets" Journal of
Political Economy 104:6 (1996): 1297–1313. Key reference: [4]
Gneezy, U., Rustichini, A. "Pay enough or
don’t pay at all" The Quarterly
Journal of Economics 115:3 (2000): 791–810. Key reference: [5]
Bénabou, R., Tirole, J. "Intrinsic and
extrinsic motivation" The Review of Economic Studies 70:3 (2003): 843–863. Key reference: [6]
Rommel, J., Buttmann, V., Liebig, G., Schönwetter, S., Svart-Gröger, V. "Motivation
crowding theory and pro-environmental behavior: Experimental
evidence" Economics
Letters 129:1 (2015): 42–44. Key reference: [7]
Ashraf, N., Bandiera, O., Lee, S. S. Do-gooders and
Go-getters: Career Incentives, Selection, and Performance in
Public Service Delivery Harvard
Business School Working Paper, 2015. Key reference: [8]
Dal Bo, E., Finan, F., Rossi, M. A. "Strengthening
state capabilities: The role of financial incentives in the call
to public service" The Quarterly
Journal of Economics 128:3 (2013): 1169–1218. Key reference: [9]
Duflo, E., Hanna, R., Ryan, S. P. "Incentives work:
Getting teachers to come to school" American Economic
Review 102:4 (2012): 1241–1278. Key reference: [10]
Levitt, S. D., List, J. A. "What do laboratory
experiments measuring social preferences reveal about the real
world?" Journal of
Economic Perspectives 21:2 (2007): 153–174. Key reference: [11]
MacAskill, W. "The cold, hard
truth about the ice bucket challenge" Quartz, 2014-08-14. Key reference: [12]
Merrit, A. C., Efrron, D. A., Monin, B. "Moral
self-licensing: When being good frees us to be bad" Social and
Personality Psychology Compass 4:5 (2010): 344–357. Key reference: [13]
Lacetera, N., Macis, M., Slonim, R. "Will there be
blood? Incentives and displacement effects in pro-social
behavior" American Economic
Journal: Economic Policy 4:1 (2012): 186–223.
Additional References
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- Chmielewski, D., Bove, L. L., Lei, J., Neville, B., Nagpal, A. "A new perspective on the incentive–blood donation relationship: Partnership, congruency, and affirmation of competence" Transfusion 52:9 (2012): 1889–1900.
- Costa-Font, J., Jofre-Bonet, M., Yen, S. T. "Not all incentives wash out the warm glow: The case of blood donation revisited" Kyklos 66:4 (2013): 529–551.
- Deci, E. L. "Effects of externally mediated rewards on intrinsic motivation" Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 18:1 (1971): 105–115.
- Deci, E. L. Intrinsic Motivation. New York: Plenum Publishing Co, 1975.
- Elias, J. J., Lacetera, N., Macis, M. "Sacred values? The effect of information on attitudes toward payments for human organs" American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings 105:5 (2015): 361–365.
- Elias, J. J., Lacetera, N., Macis, M. "Markets and morals: An experimental survey study" PLoS ONE 10:6 (2015).
- Eastlund, T. D. "Monetary blood donation incentives and the risk of transfusion-transmitted infection" Transfusion 38:9 (1998): 874–882.
- Exley, C. Prosocial Behavior: The Role of Reputations Stanford University Working Paper, 2015.
- Glewwe, P., Ilias, N., Kremer, M. "Teacher incentives" American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 2:3 (2010): 205–227.
- Glynn, S. A., Williams, A. E., Nass, C. C., Bethel, J., Kessler, D., Scott, E. P., Fridey, J., Kleinman, S. H., Schreiber, G. B. "Attitudes toward blood donation incentives in the United States: Implications for donor recruitment" Transfusion 43:1 (2003): 7–16.
- Gneezy, U., Meier, S., Rey-Biel, P. "When and why incentives (don’t) work to modify behavior" Journal of Economic Perspectives 25:4 (2011): 191–210.
- Goette, L., Stutzer, A. Blood Donations and Incentives: Evidence from a Field Experiment IZA Discussion Paper No.3580, 2008.
- Gross, D. "Zero-sum charity: Does tsunami relief dry up other giving?" Slate, 2005-01-20.
- Harrison, G. W., List, J. A. "Field experiments" Journal of Economic Literature 42:4 (2004): 1009–1055.
- Healy, K. Last Best Gifts: Altruism and the Market for Human Blood and Organs. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2006.
- Iajya, V., Lacetera, N., Macis, M., Slonim, R. "The effects of information, social and financial incentives on voluntary undirected blood donations: Evidence from a field experiment in Argentina" Social Science and Medicine 98:1 (2014): 214–223.
- Kamenica, E. "Behavioral economics and psychology of incentives" Annual Review of Economics 4:1 (2012): 427–452.
- Lacetera, N., Macis, M. "The effects of compensating donations: Time for a fresh look" Magazine of the Plasma Protein Therapeutics Industry, 2014.
- Lacetera, N., Macis, M. "Do all material incentives for prosocial activities backfire? The response to cash and non-cash incentives for blood donations" Journal of Economic Psychology 31:4 (2010): 738–748.
- Lacetera, N., Macis, M., Slonim, R. "Rewarding volunteers: A field experiment" Management Science 60:5 (2014): 1107–1129.
- Lacetera, N., Macis, M. "Time for blood: The effect of paid leave legislation on altruistic behavior" Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 29:6 (2013): 1384–1420.
- Lavy, V. "Evaluating the effect of teachers’ group performance incentives on pupil achievement" Journal of Political Economy 110:6 (2002): 1286–1317.
- Mellstrom, C., Johannesson, M. "Crowding out in blood donation: Was Titmuss right?" Journal of the European Economic Association 6:4 (2008): 845–863.
- Miller, G., Luo, R., Zhang, L., Sylvia, S., Foo, P. "Effectiveness of provider incentives for anaemia reduction in rural China: A cluster randomised trial" British Medical Journal 345:1 (2012): e4809.
- Muralidharan, K., Sundararaman, V. "Teacher performance pay: Experimental evidence from India" Journal of Political Economy 119:1 (2011): 39–77.
- Niessen-Ruenzi, A., Weber, M., Becker, D. M. To Pay or Not to Pay? Evidence from Whole Blood Donations in Germany, 2014.
- Okeke, E., Adepiti, C., Ajenifuja, K. "What is the price of prevention? New evidence from a field experiment" Journal of Health Economics 32:1 (2013): 207–218.
- Pink, D. H. Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us. London: Penguin Group, 2011.
- Roth, A. E. "Repugnance as a constraint on markets" Journal of Economic Perspectives 21:3 (2007): 37–58.
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- Sandel, M. What Money Can’t Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2012.
- Satz, D. Why Some Things Should Not Be for Sale: The Moral Limits of Markets. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.
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