References for Improvement in European labor force participation
Further reading
- Beblavý, M., Maselli, I., Veselková, M. (eds). Let's Get to Work! The Future of Labor in Europe. Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), 2014.
- European Commission Labour Market and Wage Developments in Europe: Annual Review 2017. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2017.
Key references
European Commission A Decade of Labor
Market Reforms in the EU: Insights from the LABREF
Database European Economy
Economic Papers No.522, 2014. Key reference: [1]
Aaronson, S., Fallick, B., Figura, A., Pingle, J., Wascher, W. "The recent decline
in the labor force participation rates and its implications for
potential labor supply" Brookings Papers
on Economic Activity 1 (2006): 69–134. Key reference: [2]
Braun, S., Coglianese, J., Furman, J., Stevenson, B., Stock, J. Understanding the
decline in the labor force participation rate in the United
States, 2014. Key reference: [3]
Bowen, W. G., Finegan, T. A. The Economics of
Labor Force Participation. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1969. Key reference: [4]
Becker, G. S. Human Capital: A
Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, with Special Reference to
Education. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1964. Key reference: [5]
Spence, M. "Job market
signaling" The Quarterly
Journal of Economics 87:3 (1973): 355–374. Key reference: [6]
Becker, G. S. Human Capital: A
Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, with Special Reference to
Education, Third Edition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993. Key reference: [7]
Croce, G., Ghignoni, E. "Demand and supply
of skilled labor and overeducation in Europe: A country-level
analysis" Comparative
Economic Studies 54:2 (2012): 413–439. Key reference: [8]
Aliprantis, D., Zenker, M. Recent changes in
the relationship between education and male labor market
outcomes, 2011. Key reference: [9]
Blau, D. M., Goldstein, R. M. "Can social
security explain trends in labor force participation of older
men in the United States?" The Journal of
Human Resources 45:2 (2010): 328–363. Key reference: [10]
Banerji, A., Saksonovs, S., Lin, H. H., Blavy, R. Youth Unemployment
in Advanced Economies in Europe: Searching for Solutions IMF Staff
Discussion Notes No.14/11, 2014. Key reference: [11]
European Commission A Decade of Labor
Market Reforms in the EU: Insights from the LABREF
Database European Economy
Economic Papers No.522, 2014.