References for How to attract international students?
Further reading
- Mayda, A. M., Ortega, F., Peri, G., Shih, K., Sparbar, C. "New data and facts on H-1B workers across firms" In: Ganguli, I., Kahn, S., MacGarvie, M. (eds). The Roles of Immigrants and Foreign Students in US Science, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2020.
- UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report, 2019: Migration, Displacement and Education: Building Bridges, Not Walls. Paris: UNESCO, 2019.
Key references
Kerr, W. The Gift of Global
Talent: How Migration Shapes Business, Economy and
Society. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2018. Key reference: [1]
NAFSA Losing Talent 2020:
An Economic and Foreign Policy Risk America Can't Ignore. Washington, DC: NAFSA, 2020. Key reference: [2]
Bound, J., Braga, B., Khanna, G., Turner, S. "The globalization
of postsecondary education: The role of international students
in the US higher education system" Journal of Economic
Perspectives 35:1 (2021): 163–184. Key reference: [3]
Dustmann, C., Glitz, A. "Education and
migration" In: Hanushek, E., Machin, S., Woesmann, L. (eds). Handbook of
Education Economics. Volume 4. Amsterdam: North Holland, 2011. Key reference: [4]
Beine, M., Noel, R., Ragot, L. "Determinants of the
international mobility of students" Economics of
Education Review 41 (2014): 40–54. Key reference: [5]
Gibson, J., McKenzie, D. "The economic
consequences of ‘brain drain’ of the best and brightest:
Microeconomic evidence from five countries" Economic
Journal 122:560 (2012): 339–375. Key reference: [6]
Clarke, A., Ferrer, A., Skuterud, M. "A comparative
analysis of the labor market performance of university-educated
immigrants in Australia, Canada, and the United States: does
policy matter?" Journal of Labor
Economics 37:S2 (2019): S443–S490. Key reference: [7]
Kato, T., Sparber, C. "Quotas and quality:
The effect of H-1B visa restrictions on the pool of prospective
undergraduate students from abroad" Review of Economics
and Statistics 95:1 (2013): 109–126. Key reference: [8]
Parey, M., Waldinger, F. "Studying abroad and
the effect on international labour market mobility: Evidence
from the introduction of ERASMUS" Economic
Journal 121:551 (2011): 194–222. Key reference: [9]
Beine, M., Docquier, F., Rapoport, H. "Brain drain and
human capital formation in developing countries: Winners and
losers" Economic
Journal 118:528 (2008): 631–652. Key reference: [10]
Chevalier, A., Isphording, I. E., Lisauskaite, E. "Peer diversity,
college performance and educational choices" Labour
Economics (2020). Key reference: [11]
Cohen-Goldner, S., Paserman, D. "The dynamic impact
of immigration on natives’ labor market outcomes: Evidence from
Israel" European Economic
Review 55:8 (2011): 1027–1045. Key reference: [12]
Bound, J., Khanna, G., Morales, N. "Understanding the
economic impact of the H-1B program on the United States" High-Skilled
Migration to the United States and Its Economic
Consequences. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2018. Key reference: [13]
Kerr, W. The Gift of Global
Talent: How Migration Shapes Business, Economy and
Society. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2018.
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