References for How to attract foreign students
Further reading
- Choudaha, R., Chang, L. Student Mobility WES Research and Advisory Services Research Report, 2012-02.
- Docquier, F., Rapoport, H. "Globalization, brain drain, and development" Journal of Economic Literature 50 (2012): 681–730.
- Dustmann, C., Glitz, A. "Education and migration" In: Hanushek, E., Machin, S., Wößmann, L. (eds). Handbook of the Economics of Education. Amsterdam: Elsevier/North-Holland, 2011.
- Varghese, N. V. Globalization of Higher Education and Cross-Border Student Mobility, 2008.
Key references
Goodwin, C. International
Investment in Human Capital. New York: Institute of International Education, 1993. Key reference: [1]
Rosenzweig, M., Irwin, D. A., Williamson, J. G. "Global wage
differences and international student flows" Brookings Trade
Forum (2006). Key reference: [2]
Beine, M., Noel, R., Ragot, L. The Determinants of
International Mobility of Students CESifo Working
Paper, 2012. Key reference: [3]
Friedberg, R. "You can’t take it
with you: Immigrant assimilation and the portability of human
capital" Journal of Labor
Economics 18:2 (2000): 221–251. Key reference: [4]
Hunt, J. "Which immigrants
are most innovative and entrepreneurial? Distinction by entry
visa" Journal of Labor
Economics 29:3 (2011): 417–457. Key reference: [5]
Kato, T., Sparber, C. "Quotas and quality:
The effect of H-1 visa restrictions on the pool of prospective
undergraduate students from abroad" Review of Economics
and Statistics 95 (2013): 109–126. Key reference: [6]
Gibson, J., McKenzie, D. "The economic
consequences of ‘brain drain’ of the best and brightest:
Microeconomic evidence from five countries" Economic
Journal 122:560 (2012): 339–375. Key reference: [7]
Gibson, J., McKenzie, D. "The microeconomic
determinants of emigration and return migration of the best and
brightest: Evidence from the Pacific" Journal of
Development Economics 95 (2011): 18–29. Key reference: [8]
Dreher, A., Poutvaara, P. "Foreign students
and migration to the United States" World
Development 39:8 (2011): 1294–1307. Key reference: [9]
Beine, M., Docquier, F., Rapoport, H. "Brain drain and
human capital formation in developing countries: Winners and
losers" Economic
Journal 118 (2008): 631–652. Key reference: [10]
Cohen-Goldner, S., Paserman, D. "The dynamic impact
of immigration on natives’ labor market outcomes: Evidence from
Israel" European Economic
Review 55:8 (2011): 1027–1045. Key reference: [11]
Goodwin, C. International
Investment in Human Capital. New York: Institute of International Education, 1993.
Additional References
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