References for Hiring discrimination across vulnerable groups
Further reading
- Kline, P., Rose, E. K., and Walters, C. R. “Systemic discrimination among large U.S. employers.” The Quarterly Journal of Economics 137:4 (2022): 1963–2036.
- Lang, K., and Spitzer, A. K.-L. “Race discrimination: An economic perspective.” Journal of Economic Perspectives 34:2 (2020): 68–89.
- Neumark, D. “Experimental research on labor market discrimination.” Journal of Economic Literature 56:3 (2018): 799–866.
- Treffers, T., Ritter, A.-C., Born, N., and Welpe, I. “A systematic review of experimental evidence on interventions against bias and discrimination in organizations.” Human Resource Management Review 34:3 (2024): 101029.
Key references
Lippens, L., Vermeiren, S., and Baert, S."The state of hiring discrimination: A meta-analysis of (almost) all recent correspondence experiments." European Economic Review 151 (2023): 104315. Key reference: [1]
Bertrand, M., and Duflo, E. "Field experiments on discrimination." In: Banerjee, A. V., and Duflo, E. (eds). Handbook of Economic Field Experiments Vol.1. Amsterdam: North Holland, 2017. Key reference: [2]
Heath, A. F., and Di Stasio, V. "Racial discrimination in Britain, 1969–2017: A meta‐analysis of field experiments on racial discrimination in the British labour market." The British Journal of Sociology 70:5 (2019): 1774–1798. Key reference: [3]
Quillian, L., Heath, A., Pager, D., Midtbøen, A., Fleischmann, F., and Hexel, O. "Do some countries discriminate more than others? Evidence from 97 field experiments of racial discrimination in hiring." Sociological Science 6 (2019): 467–496. Key reference: [4]
Quillian, L., and Lee, J. J. "Trends in racial and ethnic discrimination in hiring in six Western countries." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120:6 (2023). Key reference: [5]
Quillian, L., Lee, J. J., and Oliver, M. "Evidence from field experiments in hiring shows substantial additional racial discrimination after the callback." Social Forces 99:2 (2020): 732–759. Key reference: [6]
Quillian, L., Pager, D., Hexel, O., and Midtbøen, A. H. "Meta-analysis of field experiments shows no change in racial discrimination in hiring over time." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114:41 (2017): 10870–10875. Key reference: [7]
Thijssen, L., van Tubergen, F., Coenders, M., Hellpap, R., and Jak, S. “Discrimination of Black and Muslim minority groups in Western societies: Evidence from a meta-analysis of field experiments.” International Migration Review 56:3 (2021): 843–880. Key reference: [8]
Zschirnt, E., and Ruedin, D. “Ethnic discrimination in hiring decisions: A meta-analysis of correspondence tests, 1990–2015.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 42:7 (2016): 1115–1134. Key reference: [9]
Batinović, L., Howe, M., Sinclair, S., and Carlsson, R. “Ageism in hiring: A systematic review and meta-analysis of age discrimination.” Collabra: Psychology 9:1 (2023): 82194. Key reference: [10]
Baert, S., Norga, J., Thuy, Y., and Van Hecke, M. “Getting grey hairs in the labour market: An alternative experiment on age discrimination.” Journal of Economic Psychology 57 (2016): 86–101. Key reference: [11]
Flage, A. “Discrimination against gays and lesbians in hiring decisions: A meta-analysis.” International Journal of Manpower 41:6 (2020): 671–691. Key reference: [12]
Galos, D. R., and Coppock, A. “Gender composition predicts gender bias: A meta-reanalysis of hiring discrimination audit experiments.” Science Advances 9:18 (2023). Key reference: [13]
Schaerer, M., du Plessis, C., Nguyen, M. H. B., van Aert, R. C. M., Tiokhin, L., Lakens, D., Clemente, E. G., Pfeiffer, T., Dreber, A., Johannesson, M., Clark, C. J., and Uhlmann, E. L. “On the trajectory of discrimination: A meta-analysis and forecasting survey capturing 44 years of field experiments on gender and hiring decisions.” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 179 (2023): 104280. Key reference: [14]
Lippens, L., Baert, S., Ghekiere, A., Verhaeghe, P.-P., and Derous, E. “Is labour market discrimination against ethnic minorities better explained by taste or statistics? A systematic review of the empirical evidence.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 48:17 (2022): 4243–4276. Key reference: [15]
Lippens, L., Vermeiren, S., and Baert, S."The state of hiring discrimination: A meta-analysis of (almost) all recent correspondence experiments." European Economic Review 151 (2023): 104315.
Additional References
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- Arceo-Gomez, E. O., and Campos-Vazquez, R. M. “Race and marriage in the labor market: A discrimination correspondence study in a developing country.” American Economic Review 104:5 (2014): 376–380.
- Baert, S. “Facebook profile picture appearance affects recruiters’ first hiring decisions.” New Media & Society 20:3 (2017): 1220–1239.
- Baert, S., Cockx, B., Gheyle, N., and Vandamme, C. “Is there less discrimination in occupations where recruitment is difficult?” ILR Review 68:3 (2015): 467–500.
- Baert, S., De Visschere, S., Schoors, K., Vandenberghe, D., and Omey, E. “First depressed, then discriminated against?” Social Science & Medicine 170 (2016): 247–254.
- Bartoš, V., Bauer, M., Chytilová, J., and Matějka, F. “Attention discrimination: Theory and field experiments with monitoring information acquisition.” American Economic Review 106:6 (2016): 1437-1475.
- Bursell, M. “The multiple burdens of foreign-named men: Evidence from a field experiment on gendered ethnic hiring discrimination in Sweden.” European Sociological Review 30:3 (2014): 399–409.
- Carlsson, M., and Eriksson, S. “Age discrimination in hiring decisions: Evidence from a field experiment in the labor market.” Labour Economics 59 (2019): 173–183.
- Derous, E., Ryan, A. M., and Nguyen, H.-H. D. “Multiple categorization in resume screening: Examining effects on hiring discrimination against Arab applicants in field and lab settings.” Journal of Organizational Behavior 33:4 (2012): 544–570.
- Di Stasio, V., Lancee, B., Veit, S., and Yemane, R. “Muslim by default or religious discrimination? Results from a cross-national field experiment on hiring discrimination.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47:6 (2019): 1305–1326.
- Drydakis, N. “Sexual orientation discrimination in the labour market.” Labour Economics 16:4 (2009): 364–372.
- Erlandsson, A. “Do men favor men in recruitment? A field experiment in the Swedish labor market.” Work and Occupations 46:3 (2019): 239–264.
- Hipp, L. “Do hiring practices penalize women and benefit men for having children? Experimental evidence from Germany.” European Sociological Review 36:2 (2019): 250–264.
- Hou, Y., Liu, C., and Crabtree, C. “Anti-Muslim bias in the Chinese labor market.” Journal of Comparative Economics 48:2 (2020): 235–250.
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- Lahey, J. N. “Age, women, and hiring.” Journal of Human Resources 43:1 (2008): 30–56.
- Mobasseri, S. “Race, place, and crime: How violent crime events affect employment discrimination.” American Journal of Sociology 125:1 (2019): 63–104.
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- Thomas, K. “The labor market value of taste: An experimental study of class bias in US employment.” Sociological Science 5 (2018): 562–595.
- Tilcsik, A. “Pride and prejudice: Employment discrimination against openly gay men in the United States.” American Journal of Sociology 117:2 (2011): 586–626.
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- Weichselbaumer, D. “Multiple discrimination against female immigrants wearing headscarves.” ILR Review 73:3 (2019): 600–627.