References for Health effects of job insecurity
Further reading
- Ferrie, J. "Is job insecurity harmful to health?" Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 94:2 (2001): 71–76.
- Landsbergis, P. A., Grzywacz, J. G., LaMontagne, A. D. "Work organization, job insecurity, and occupational health disparities" American Journal of Industrial Medicine 57:5 (2014): 495–515.
- Sverke, M., Hellgren, J., Näswall, K. "Job insecurity: A literature review" National Institute for Working Life 1 (2006): 32.
Key references
Dickerson, A., Green, F. "Fears and
realisations of employment insecurity" Labour
Economics 19:2 (2009): 198–210. Key reference: [1]
Green, F. "Subjective
employment insecurity around the world" Cambridge Journal
of Regions, Economy and Society 2:3 (2009): 343–363. Key reference: [2]
Virtanen, P., Janlert, U., Hammarström, A. "Exposure to
temporary employment and job insecurity: A longitudinal study of
the health effects" Occupational and
Environmental Medicine 68:8 (2011): 570–574. Key reference: [3]
Lászlo, K. D., Pikhart, H., Kopp, M. S., Bobak, M., Pajak, A., Malyutina, S., Salavecz, G., Marmot, M. "Job insecurity and
health: A study of 16 European countries" Social Science
& Medicine 70:6 (2010): 867–874. Key reference: [4]
Caroli, E., Godard, M. "Does job
insecurity deteriorate health?" Health
Economics 25:2 (2016): 131–147. Key reference: [5]
Llena-Nozal, A. "The effect of work
status and working conditions on mental health in four OECD
countries" National Institute
Economic Review 209:1 (2009): 72–87. Key reference: [6]
Pirani, E., Salvini, S. "Is temporary
employment damaging to health? A longitudinal study on Italian
workers" Social Science
& Medicine 124 (2015): 121–131. Key reference: [7]
Green, F. "Unpacking the
misery multiplier: How employability modifies the impacts of
unemployment and job insecurity on life satisfaction and mental
health" Journal of Health
Economics 30:2 (2011): 265–276. Key reference: [8]
Otterbach, S., Sousa-Poza, A. Job Insecurity,
Employability, and Health: An Analysis for Germany across
Generations IZA Discussion
Paper No.8438, 2014. Key reference: [9]
Green, F., Felstead, A., Gallie, D., Inanc, H. "Job-related
well-being through the great recession" Journal of
Happiness Studies 17:1 (2016): 389–411. Key reference: [10]
Dickerson, A., Green, F. "Fears and
realisations of employment insecurity" Labour
Economics 19:2 (2009): 198–210.
Additional References
- Armstrong-Stassen, M. "Production workers’ reactions to a plant closing: The role of transfer, stress and support" Anxiety, Stress and Coping: An International Journal 6:3 (1993): 201–214.
- Brockner, J. "Scope of justice in the workplace: How survivors react to coworker layoffs" Journal of Social Issues 46:1 (1990): 95–106.
- Di Tella, R., MacCulloch, R. J., Oswald, A. J. "The macroeconomics of happiness" Review of Economics and Statistics 85:4 (2003): 809–827.
- EU-OSHA Calculating the Cost of Work-related Stress and Psychosocial Risks. Bilbao: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2014.
- Eurofound Changes Over Time—First Findings from the fifth European Working Conditions Survey. Brussels: Eurofound, 2012.
- Gallie, D., Felstead, A., Green, F., Inanc, H. Fear at Work in Britain. London: Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies, Institute of Education, 2013.
- Green, F., Burchell, B., Felstead, A. "Job insecurity and the difficulty of regaining employment: An empirical study of unemployment expectations" Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 62:S1 (2000): 855–884.
- Hellgren, J., Sverke, M. "Unionized employees’ perceptions of role stress and fairness during organizational downsizing: Consequences for job satisfaction, union satisfaction and well-being" Economic and Industrial Democracy 22:4 (2001): 543–567.
- Lim, V. K. G. "Job insecurity and its outcomes: Moderating effects of work-based and nonwork-based social support" Human Relations 49:2 (1996): 171–194.
- Nolan, J. P., Wichert, I. C., Burchell, B. J. "Job insecurity, psychological well-being and family life" In: Heery, E., Salmon, J. (eds). The Insecure Workforce. London: Routledge, 2000.
- Parker, S. K., Chmiel, N., Wall, T. D. "Work characteristics and employee well-being within a context of strategic downsizing" Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 2:4 (1997): 289–303.
- Sverke, M., Hellgren, J., Naswall, K. "What is known about job insecurity and its consequences? Conclusions from two decades of research" Nordisk Psykologi 53:2 (2001): 91–108.