References for Employment and wage effects of extending collective bargaining agreements
Further reading
Key references
Boeri, T., Burda, M. "Preferences for collective vs.
individualized wage setting" Economic Journal 119:540 (2009): 1440–1463. Key reference: [1]
Haucap, J., Pauly, U., Wey, C. "Collective wage setting when wages
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Economics 21:3 (2001): 187–207. Key reference: [2]
Cardoso, A. R., Portugal, P. "Contractual wages and the wage
cushion under different bargaining settings" Journal of Labor Economics 23:4 (2005): 875–902. Key reference: [3]
Dolado, J., Felgueroso, F., Jimeno, J. F. "The effects of minimum bargained
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Dustmann, C., Ludsteck, J., Schönberg, U. "Revisiting the German wage
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Cardoso, A. R., Portela, M. "Micro foundations for wage
flexibility: Wage insurance and the firm level" Scandinavian Journal of
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Hartog, J., Leuven, E., Teulings, C. "Wages and the bargaining regime in
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Felgueroso, F., Pérez-Villadóniga, M. J., Prieto, J. "The effect of the collective
bargaining level on the gender wage gap: Evidence from Spain" Manchester School 76 (2008): 301–319. Key reference: [8]
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Serres, A., Hijzen, A. "Unemployment and the coverage
extension of collective wage agreements" European Economic Review 71:C (2014): 52–66. Key reference: [9]
Magruder, J. "High unemployment yet few small
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Martins, P. 30,000 Minimum Wages: The Economic
Effects of Collective Agreement Extensions University of London, School
of Business and Management, Centre for Globalisation Research Working Paper
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Guimaraes, P., Martins, F., Portugal, P. The Effect of Upward Nominal Wage
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Díez-Catalan, L., Villanueva, E. Contract Staggering and
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Boeri, T., Burda, M. "Preferences for collective vs.
individualized wage setting" Economic Journal 119:540 (2009): 1440–1463.