References for Does accession to the EU affect firms’ productivity?
Further reading
- Gabrisch, H., Hölscher, J. The Successes and Failures of Economic Transition—The European Experience. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
- Hartwell, C. A. "Institutional barriers in the transition to market—Examining performance and divergence in transition economies" In: Hölscher, J., Tomann, H. (eds). Studies in Economic Transition. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
Key references
Krugman, P. The Age of Diminishing Expectations: US Economic Policy in the 1990s. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1990. Key reference: [1]
Lavigne, M. "Ten years of transition: A review article" Communist and Post-Communist Studies 33:4 (2000): 475−483. Key reference: [2]
Innes, A. "The political economy of state capture in Central Europe" JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 52:1 (2014): 88−104. Key reference: [3]
Hellman, J. S., Jones, G., Kaufmann, D. "Seize the state, seize the day: State capture and influence in transition economies" Journal of Comparative Economics 31:4 (2003): 751−773. Key reference: [4]
Böröcz, J. "Hungary in the European Union" Economic & Political Weekly 47:23 (2012): 23−25. Key reference: [5]
Bridgman, B. Competition and Productivity US Bureau of Economic Analysis Working Paper, 2010. Key reference: [6]
Buccirossi, P., Ciari, L., Duso, T., Spagnolo, G., Vitale, C. "Competition policy and productivity growth: An empirical assessment" Review of Economics and Statistics 95:4 (2013): 1324−1336. Key reference: [7]
Djankov, S., Hoekman, B. "Foreign investment and productivity growth in Czech enterprises" The World Bank Economic Review 14:1 (2000): 49−64. Key reference: [8]
Estrin, S., Hanousek, J., Kocenda, E., Svejnar, J. "The effects of privatization and ownership in transition economies" Journal of Economic Literature 47:3 (2009): 699−728. Key reference: [9]
Greenaway, D., Kneller, R. "Exporting and productivity: Theory, evidence and future research" The Singapore Economic Review 50:S1 (2005): 303−312. Key reference: [10]
Howard-Jones, P., Hölscher, J., Radicic, D. "Firm productivity in the Western Balkans: The impact of European Union membership and access to finance" Economic Annals LXII:215 (2017): 7−51. Key reference: [11]
Wagner, J. "International trade and firm performance: A survey of empirical studies since 2006" Review of World Economics 148:2 (2012): 235−267. Key reference: [12]
Levine, R. "Finance and growth: Theory and evidence" In: Aghion, P., Durlauf, S. (eds). Handbook of Economic Growth. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2005. Key reference: [13]
Krugman, P. The Age of Diminishing Expectations: US Economic Policy in the 1990s. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1990.