References for Do social interactions in the classroom improve academic attainment?
Further reading
Key references
Sacerdote, B. "Peer effects in education: How might they work, how big are they and how much do we know thus far?" In: Hanushek, E. A., Machin, S., Woessmann, L. (eds). Handbook of the Economics of Education. Amsterdam: Elsevier B.V., 2011. Key reference: [1]
Gibbons, S., Telhaj, S. "Peer effects: Evidence from secondary school transition in England" Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 78:4 (2016): 548–573. Key reference: [2]
Ding, W., Lehrer, S. "Do peers affect student achievement in China’s secondary schools?" Review of Economics and Statistics 89:2 (2007): 300–312. Key reference: [3]
Angrist, J. D., Lang, K. "Does school integration generate peer effects? Evidence from Boston METCO program" American Economic Review 94:5 (2004): 1613–1634. Key reference: [4]
Lavy, V., Schlosser, A. "Mechanisms and impacts of gender peer effects at school" American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 3:2 (2011): 1–33. Key reference: [5]
Hoxby, C. "Peer Effects in the Classroom: Learning from Gender and Race Variation" NBER Working Paper No.7867, 2000. Key reference: [6]
Booij, A. S., Leuven, E., Oosterbeek, H. "Ability peer effects in university: Evidence from a randomized experiment" Review of Economic Studies 84:2 (2017): 547–578. Key reference: [7]
Carrell, S. E., Sacerdote, B., West, J. E. "From natural variation to optimal policy? The importance of endogenous peer group formation" Econometrica 81:3 (2013): 855–882. Key reference: [8]
Sacerdote, B. "Experimental and quasi-experimental analysis of peer effects: Two steps forward?" Annual Review of Economics 6:1 (2014): 253–272. Key reference: [9]
Feld, J., Zölitz, U. "Understanding peer effects: On the nature, estimation, and channels of peer effects" Journal of Labour Economics 35:2 (2017): 387–428. Key reference: [10]
Gibbons, S., Telhaj, S. "Pupil mobility and school disruption" Journal of Public Economics 95:9–10 (2011): 1156–1167. Key reference: [11]
Elsner, B., Isphording, I. "A big fish in a small pond: Ability rank and human capital investment" Journal of Labour Economics 35:3 (2017): 787–828. Key reference: [12]
Sacerdote, B. "Peer effects in education: How might they work, how big are they and how much do we know thus far?" In: Hanushek, E. A., Machin, S., Woessmann, L. (eds). Handbook of the Economics of Education. Amsterdam: Elsevier B.V., 2011.