References for Do immigrant workers depress the wages of native workers?
Further reading
Key references
Longhi, S., Nijkamp, P., Poot, J. "A meta-analytic
assessment of the effect of immigration on wages" Journal of Economic
Surveys 19:3 (2005): 451–477. Key reference: [1]
Peri, G., Sparber, C. "Task
specialization, immigration, and wages" American Economic
Journal: Applied Economics 1:3 (2009): 135–169. Key reference: [2]
Borjas, G. J. "The labor demand
curve is downward sloping: Reexamining the impact of immigration
on the labor market" The Quarterly
Journal of Economics 118:4 (2003): 1335–1374. Key reference: [3]
Ottaviano, G. I. P., Peri, G. "The economic value
of cultural diversity: Evidence from US cities" Journal of Economic
Geography 6:1 (2006): 9–44. Key reference: [4]
Card, D. "Richard T. Ely
lecture: Immigration and inequality" American Economic
Review 99:2 (2009): 1–21. Key reference: [5]
Peri, G. "The effect of
immigration on productivity: Evidence from U.S. states" Review of Economics
and Statistics 94:1 (2012): 348–358. Key reference: [6]
Dustmann, C., Frattini, T., Preston, I. "The effect of
immigration along the distribution of wages" Review of Economic
Studies 80:1 (2013): 145–173. Key reference: [7]
Friedberg, R. M. "The impact of mass
migration on the Israeli labor market" The Quarterly
Journal of Economics 116:4 (2001): 1373–1408. Key reference: [8]
Ottaviano, G. I. P., Peri, G. "Rethinking the
effect of immigration on wages" Journal of the
European Economic Association 10:1 (2012): 152–197. Key reference: [9]
D’Amuri, F., Peri, G. "Immigration, jobs
and employment protection: Evidence from Europe before and
during the Great Recession" Journal of the
European Economic Association 12:2 (2014): 432–464. Key reference: [10]
Longhi, S., Nijkamp, P., Poot, J. "A meta-analytic
assessment of the effect of immigration on wages" Journal of Economic
Surveys 19:3 (2005): 451–477.
Additional References
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- Bonin, H. Wage and Employment Effects of Immigration to Germany: Evidence from a Skill Group Approach IZA Discussion Paper, 2005.
- Borjas, G. J. "Immigrants, minorities, and labor market competition" Industrial and Labor Relations Review 40:3 (1987): 382–392.
- Borjas, G. J. "The labor demand curve is downward sloping: Reexamining the impact of immigration on the labor market" The Quarterly Journal of Economics 118:4 (2003): 1335–1374.
- Borjas, G. J., Freeman, R. B., Katz, L. F. "How much do immigration and trade affect labor market outcomes?" Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 1 (1996): 1–90.
- Borjas, G. J., Freeman, R. B., Katz, L. F. "Searching for the effect of immigration on the labor market" American Economic Review 86:2 (1996): 246–251.
- Card, D. "Immigrant inflows, native outflows, and the local labor market impacts of higher immigration" Journal of Labor Economics 19:1 (2001): 22–64.
- Carrasco, R., Jimeno, J. F., Ortega, A. C. "The effect of immigration on the labor market performance of native-born workers: Some evidence for Spain" Journal of Population Economics 21:3 (2008): 627–648.
- Cohen-Goldner, S., Paserman, M. D. "The dynamic impact of immigration on natives’ labor market outcomes: Evidence from Israel" European Economic Review 55:8 (2011): 1027–1045.
- D’Amuri, F., Ottaviano, G. I. P., Peri, G. "The labor market impact of immigration in Western Germany in the 1990s" European Economic Review 54:4 (2010): 550–570.
- Docquier, F., Özden, Ç., Peri, G. The Wage Effects of Immigration and Emigration NBER Working Paper, 2010.
- Dustmann, C., Fabbri, F., Preston, I. "The impact of immigration on the British labour market" Economic Journal 115:507 (2005): F324–F341.
- Dustmann, C., Frattini, T., Preston, I. "The effect of immigration along the distribution of wages" Review of Economic Studies 80:1 (2013): 145–173.
- Dustmann, C., Glitz, A. How do Industries and Firms Respond to Changes in Local Labor Supply? CReAM Discussion Paper, 2011.
- Enchautegui, M. E. "Effects of immigrants on the 1980–1990 U.S. wage experience" Contemporary Economic Policy 13:3 (1995): 20–38.
- Friedberg, R. M. "The impact of mass migration on the Israeli labor market" The Quarterly Journal of Economics 116:4 (2001): 1373–1408.
- Greenwood, M. J., Hunt, G. L., Kohli, U. "The factor-market consequences of unskilled immigration to the United States" Labour Economics 4:1 (1997): 1–28.
- Grossman, J. B. "The substitutability of natives and immigrants in production" Review of Economics and Statistics 64:4 (1982): 596–603.
- Hofer, H., Huber, P. "Wage and mobility effects of trade and migration on the Austrian labour market" Empirica 30:2 (2003): 107–125.
- Howell, D. R., Mueller, E. J. The Effects of Immigrants on African-American Earnings: A Jobs-level Analysis of the New York City Labor Market, 1979–1989 Levy Economics Institute Working Paper, 1997.
- Kugler, A. D., Yuksel, M. Effects of Low-skilled Immigration on U.S. Natives: Evidence from Hurricane Mitch NBER Working Paper, 2008.
- Lewis, E. "Immigration, skill mix, and capital skill complementarity" The Quarterly Journal of Economics 126:2 (2011): 1029–1069.
- Manacorda, M., Manning, A., Wadsworth, J. "The impact of immigration on the structure of wages: Theory and evidence from Britain" Journal of the European Economic Association 10:1 (2012): 120–151.
- Orrenius, P. M., Zavodny, M. "Does immigration affect wages? A look at occupation-level evidence" Labour Economics 14:5 (2007): 757–773.
- Ortega, F., Peri, G. The Effect of Trade and Migration on Income NBER Working Paper, 2012.
- Ottaviano, G. I. P., Peri, G. "Rethinking the effect of immigration on wages" Journal of the European Economic Association 10:1 (2012): 152–197.
- Pedace, R. "The impact of immigration on the labor market for native-born workers: Incorporating the dynamics of internal migration" Eastern Economic Journal 24:4 (1998): 449–462.
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- Peri, G., Shih, K., Sparber, C. STEM Workers, H1B Visas and Productivity in US Cities. London: Norface Research Programme on Migration, Department of Economics, University College London, 2013.
- Peri, G., Sparber, C. "Highly-educated immigrants and native occupational choice" Industrial Relations 50:3 (2011): 385–411.
- Winter-Ebmer, R., Zimmermann, K. F. East-west Trade and Migration: The Austro-German Case IZA Discussion Paper, 1998.
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