References for Designing unemployment benefits in developing countries
Further reading
- Brown, A. J. G., Orszag, J. M., Snower, D. J. "Unemployment accounts and employment incentives" European Journal of Political Economy 24:3 (2008): 587–604.
- Fredriksson, P., Holmlund, B. "Improving incentives in unemployment insurance: A review of recent research" Journal of Economic Surveys 20:3 (2006): 357–386.
- Karni, E. Optimal Unemployment Insurance: A Guide to the Literature World Bank Social Protection Discussion Paper No.20121, 1999.
Key references
Robalino, D. A., Weber, M. "Designing
unemployment benefits in middle and low income countries: Beyond
risk-pooling vs. savings" IZA Journal of
Labor Policy 2:12 (2013): 1–18. Key reference: [1]
Ribe, H., Robalino, David. A., Walker, I. From Right to
Reality: Incentives, Labor Markets, and the Challenge of
Universal Social Protection in Latin America and the
Caribbean. Washington, DC: World Bank, 2012. Key reference: [2]
Lalive, R. "How do extended
benefits affect unemployment duration? A regression
discontinuity approach" Journal of
Econometrics 142:2 (2008): 785–806. Key reference: [3]
Chetty, R. "Moral hazard versus
liquidity and optimal unemployment insurance" Journal of
Political Economy 116:2 (2008): 173–234. Key reference: [4]
Tatsiramos, K. "Unemployment
insurance in Europe: Unemployment duration and subsequent
employment stability" Journal of the
European Economic Association 7:6 (2009): 1225–1260. Key reference: [5]
Robalino, D. A., Vodopivec, M., Bodor, A. Savings for
Unemployment in Good or Bad Times: Options for Developing
Countries IZA Discussion
Paper No.4516, 2009-10. Key reference: [6]
Bird, R., Smart, M. "Financial social
expenditures in developing countries: Payroll or value added
taxes" In: Frolich, M. (ed). Social Insurance
and Labor Markets: How to Protect Workers While Creating New
Jobs. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. Key reference: [7]
Robalino, D. A., Weber, M. "Designing
unemployment benefits in middle and low income countries: Beyond
risk-pooling vs. savings" IZA Journal of
Labor Policy 2:12 (2013): 1–18.
Additional References
- Almeida, R., Arbelaez, J., Honorati, M., Kuddo, K., Lohmann, T., Ovadiya, M., Pop, L., Sanchez Puerta, M. L., Weber, M. Improving Access to Jobs and Earnings Opportunities: The Role of Activation and Graduation Policies. Washington, DC: World Bank, 2012.
- Atkinson, A. B., Micklewright, J. "Unemployment compensation and labor market transitions: A critical review" Journal of Economic Literature 29:4 (1991): 1679–1727.
- Brown, A. J. G., Orszag, J. M., Snower, D. J. "Unemployment accounts and employment incentives" European Journal of Political Economy 24:3 (2008): 587–604.
- Chetty, R. Optimal Unemployment Insurance When Income Effects Are Large NBER Working Paper No.10500, 2004.
- Chetty, R. "Moral hazard versus liquidity and optimal unemployment insurance" Journal of Political Economy 116:2 (2008): 173–234.
- Chetty, R., Looney, A. "Consumption smoothing and the welfare consequences of social insurance in developing economies" Journal of Public Economics 90:12 (2006): 2351–2356.
- Del Carpio, X., Nguyen, H., Wang, L. C. Does the Minimum Wage Affect Employment? Evidence from the Manufacturing Sector in Indonesia. Washington, DC: World Bank, 2012.
- Finn, D. Sub-contracting in Public Employment Services: Review of Research Findings and Literature on Recent Trends and Business Models, DG Employment and Social Affairs and Inclusion. Brussels: European Commission, 2011.
- Heyes, J. Labour Ministries and Labour Administration in Transition: Recent Developments and Future Prospects ILO Working Document No.16, 2011.
- Holzmann, R., Pouget, Y., Vodopivec, M., Weber, M. Severance Pay Programs around the World: History, Rationale, Status, and Reforms IZA Discussion Paper No.5731, 2011.
- Koettl, J., Weber, M. "Does formal work pay? The role of labor taxation and social benefit design in the new EU member states" Research in Labor Economics 34 (2012): 167–204.
- Lalive, R. "How do extended benefits affect unemployment duration? A regression discontinuity approach" Journal of Econometrics 142:2 (2008): 785–806.
- Lalive, R., van Ours, J. C., Zweimüller, J. "The effect of benefit sanctions on the duration of unemployment" Journal of the European Economic Association 3:6 (2005): 1386–1417.
- Lehmann, H., Muravyev, A. Labor Market Institutions and Labor Market Performance: What Can We Learn from Transition Countries? IZA Discussion Paper No.5905, 2011.
- Lehmann, H., Muravyev, A. "Labor market institutions and informality in transition and Latin American Countries" In: Frolich, M., Kaplan, D., Pages, C., Rigolini, J., Robalino, D. A. (eds). Social Insurance and Labor Markets: How to Protect Workers While Creating New Jobs. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Shimer, R., Werning, I. "Liquidity and insurance for the unemployed" American Economic Review 98:5 (2008): 1922–1942.