References for Demographic and economic determinants of migration
Further reading
Key references
Bansak, C., Simpson, N., Zavodny, M. The Economics of
Immigration. Oxford: Routledge, 2015. Key reference: [1]
United Nations, OECD World Migration in
Figures, 2013. Key reference: [2]
Rotte, R., Vogler, M. Determinants of
International Migration: Empirical Evidence for Migration from
Developing Countries to Germany IZA Discussion
Paper No.12, 1998. Key reference: [3]
Clark, X., Hatton, T. J., Williamson, J. G. "Explaining US
Immigration, 1971–1998" Review of
Economics and Statistics 89 (2007): 359–373. Key reference: [4]
Beine, M., Docquier, F., Özden, C. "Diasporas" Journal of
Development Economics 95 (2011): 30–41. Key reference: [5]
Pedersen, P. J., Pytlikova, M., Smith, N. "Selection and
network effects—Migration flows into OECD countries
1990–2000" European Economic
Review 52:7 (2008): 1160–1186. Key reference: [6]
Geis, W., Uebelmesser, S., Werding, M. "How do migrants
choose their destination country? An analysis of institutional
determinants" Review of
International Economics 21 (2013): 825–840. Key reference: [7]
Hunt, J. "Staunching
emigration from East Germany: Age and the determinants of
migration" Journal of the
European Economic Association 4:5 (2006): 1014–1037. Key reference: [8]
Polgreen, L., Simpson, N. "Happiness and
international migration" Journal of
Happiness Studies 12:5 (2011): 819–840. Key reference: [9]
Simpson, N., Sparber, C. "The short- and
long-run determinants of less-educated immigrant flows into US
states" Southern Economic
Journal 80:2 (2013): 414–438. Key reference: [10]
Kennedy, S., Kidd, M. P., Mcdonald, J. T., Biddle, N. "The healthy
immigrant effect and immigrant selection: Evidence from four
countries" Journal of
International Migration and Integration 16:2 (2015): 317–332. Key reference: [11]
Karemera, D., Oguledo, V. I., Davis, B. "A gravity model
analysis of international migration to North America" Applied
Economics 32:13 (2000): 1745–1755. Key reference: [12]
Hatton, T. J., Williamson, J. G. "Are third world
emigration forces abating?" World
Development 39:1 (2011): 20–32. Key reference: [13]
Bansak, C., Simpson, N., Zavodny, M. The Economics of
Immigration. Oxford: Routledge, 2015.
Additional References
- Ek, E., Koiranena, M., Raatikkaa, V. P., Järvelin, M. R., Taanila, A. "Psychosocial factors as mediators between migration and subjective well-being among young Finnish adults" Social Science and Medicine 66:7 (2008): 1545–1556.
- Mayda, A. M. "International migration: A panel data analysis of the determinants of bilateral flows" Journal of Population Economics 23 (2010): 1249–1274.
- Warin, T., Svaton, P. "European migration: Welfare migration or economic migration?" Global Economy Journal 8 (2008): 1–30.
- Zaiceva, A., Zimmermann, K. P. "Scale, diversity, and determinants of labour migration in Europe" Oxford Review of Economic Policy 24 (2008): 427–451.