References for Covid-19 and the youth-to-adult unemployment gap
Further reading
- OECD Women at the Core of the Fight against COVID-19 Crisis. Paris: OECD Publishing, 2020.
- Pastore, F., Quintano, C., Rocca, A. "The duration of the school-to-work transition in Italy and in other European countries: A flexible baseline hazard interpretation" International Journal of Manpower (Forthcoming).
Key references
Sándor, E., Mascherini, M., Mencarini, L., Maksimovic, T., Patrini, V., Aaassve, A., Agosti, F., Eurofound Impact of COVID-19
on Young People in the EU. Dublin: Eurofound, 2021. Key reference: [1]
Bell, B., Codreanu, M., Machin, S. What Can Previous
Recessions Tell us About the Covid-19 Downturn? Centre for
Economic Performance Working Paper No.007, 2020. Key reference: [2]
Pastore, F. The Youth
Experience Gap. Explaining National Differences in the
School-to-Work Transition. Berlin: Springer, 2015. Key reference: [3]
Bell, D. N. F., Blanchflower, D. G. "Youth unemployment
in Europe and the United States" Nordic Economic
Policy Review 1 (2011): 11–37. Key reference: [4]
Choudhry Tanveer, M., Marelli, E., Signorelli, M. "Youth unemployment
rate and impact of financial crises" International
Journal of Manpower 33:1 (2012): 76–95. Key reference: [5]
Pastore, F., Quintano, C., Rocca, A. "Some young people
have all the luck! The duration dependence of the school-to-work
transition in Europe" Labour
Economics (2021). Key reference: [6]
Dias, M. C., Joyce, R., Keiller, A. N. COVID-19 and the
Career Prospects of Young People IFS Briefing
Note No.299, 2020. Key reference: [7]
Dolado, J. J., Felgueroso, F., Jimeno, J. F. "Past, present and
future of the Spanish labour market: When the pandemic meets the
megatrends" Studies on the
Spanish Economy (2020). Key reference: [8]
Felgueroso, F., De la Fuente, A. "Aspectos
económicos de la crisis del Covid-19. Boletín de seguimiento no.
8" Studies on the
Spanish Economy (2020). Key reference: [9]
Alon, T., Doepke, M., Olmstead-Rumsey, J., Tertilt, M. This Time It's
Different: The Role of Women's Employment in a Pandemic
Recession IZA Discussion
Paper No.13562, 2020. Key reference: [10]
Alon, T., Coskun, S., Doepke, M., Koll, D., Tertilt, M. "From mancession to
shecession: Women's employment in regular and pandemic
recessions" NBER Macroeconomic
Annual (2022). Key reference: [11]
Webster, A., Khorana, S., Pastore, F. "The labour market
impact of COVID-19: Early evidence for a sample of enterprises
from Southern Europe" International
Journal of Manpower (Forthcoming). Key reference: [12]
Webster, A., Khorana, S., Pastore, F. "The effects of
COVID-19 on employment, labor markets and gender equality in
Central America" IZA Journal of
Development and Migration 13:1 (2022). Key reference: [13]
Sándor, E., Mascherini, M., Mencarini, L., Maksimovic, T., Patrini, V., Aaassve, A., Agosti, F., Eurofound Impact of COVID-19
on Young People in the EU. Dublin: Eurofound, 2021.
Additional References
- Andrew, A., Cattan, S., Dias, M. C., Farquharson, C., Kraftman, L., Krutikova, S., Phimister, A., Sevilla, A. How are Mothers and Fathers Balancing Work and Family under Lockdown? Institute for Fiscal Studies Briefing Note, 2020.
- Arslan, Y., Taskin, T. Explaining the Gender Gaps in Unemployment across OECD Countries MPRA Papers Series No.34873, 2011.
- Azmat, G., Guell, M., Manning, A. "Gender gaps in unemployment rates in OECD countries" Journal of Labor Economics 24:1 (2006): 1–37.
- Beland, L. -P., Brodeur, A., Wright, T. The Short-term Economic Consequences of COVID-19: Exposure to Disease, Remote Work and Government Response IZA Discussion Paper No.13159, 2020.
- Bernal-Verdugo, L. E., Furceri, D., Guillaume, D. M. Crises, Labor Market Policy, and Unemployment IMF Working Paper No.65, 2012.
- Bodnàr, K., Le Roux, J., Lopez-Garcia, P., Szorfi, B. "The impact of COVID-19 on potential output in the euro area" ECB Economic Bulletin (2020).
- Booth, A. L., Francesconi, M., Frank, J. "Temporary jobs: Stepping stones or dead ends?" The Economic Journal 112:480 (2002): F189–F213.
- Borio, C. "The Covid-19 economic crisis: Dangerously unique" Business Economics 55 (2020): 181–190.
- Carcillo, S., Fernández, R., Königs, S., Minea, A. NEET Youth in the Aftermath of the Crisis: Challenges and Policies OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers No.164, 2015.
- Carli, L. L. "Women, gender equality and Covid-19" Gender in Management 23:1 (2020).
- Carlson, D. L., Petts, R., Pepin, J. R. US couples’ Divisions of Housework and Childcare during COVID-19 Pandemic. Salt Lake City: University of Utah, 2020.
- Del Boca, D., Oggero, N., Profeta, P., Rossi, M. "Women's and men's work, housework and childcare, before and during COVID-19" Review of Economics of the Household 18 (2020): 1001–1017.
- Dingel, J. I., Neiman, B. "How many jobs can be done at home?" Journal of Public Economics (2020).
- Espitia, A., Mattoo, A., Rocha, N., Ruta, M., Winkler, D. "Pandemic trade: Covid-19, remote work and global value chains" The World Economy (2021).
- European Commission Starting Fragile: Gender Differences in Youth Labour Market Conditions in the EU Member States. Brussels: European Commission, 2013.
- European Commission Working with Young People: The Value of Youth Work in the European Union. Brussels: European Commission, 2014.
- Felgueroso, F., de la Fuente, A. "Aspectos economicos de la crisis del Covid-19" Boletín de Seguimiento (2020).
- Gossling, S., Scott, D., Hall, M. "Pandemics, tourism and global change: A rapid assessment of COVID-19" Journal of Sustainable Tourism 29:1 (2021): 1–20.
- ILO ILO Monitor: COVID-19 and the World of Work. Fourth Edition. Geneva: ILO, 2020.
- Mongey, S., Pilossoph, L., Weinberg, A. Which Workers Bear the Burden of Social Distancing? NBER Working Paper No.27085, 2020.
- Newell, A., Pastore, F. "Structural unemployment and structural change in Poland" Studi Economici 69 (1999): 81–100.
- Pak, A., Adegboye, , Oyelola, A., Adekunle Adeshina, I., Rahman Kaz, M., McBryde, E. S., Eisen, D. P. "Economic Consequences of the COVID-19 Outbreak: the Need for Epidemic Preparedness" Frontiers in Public Health (2020).
- Pavlopoulos, D. "Starting your career with a fixed-term job: Stepping-stone or dead end?" Review of Social Economy 71:4 (2013): 474–501.
- Quintini, G., Martin, S. Starting Well or Losing their Way?: The Position of Youth in the Labour Market in OECD Countries OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers No.39, 2006.
- Robertson, C., Gebeloff, R. "How millions of women became the most essential workers in America" New York Times (2020).
- Toffolutti, V., Plach, S., Maksimovic, T., Piccitto, G., Mascherini, M., Mencarini, L., Aassve, A. "The association between COVID-19 policy responses and mental well-being: Evidence from 28 European countries" Social Science & Medicine (2022).
- UN Women The Impact of COVID-19 on Women's and Men's Lives and Livelihoods in Europe and Central Asia: Preliminary Results from a Rapid Gender Assessment. Istanbul: UN Women, 2020.