References for The consequences of trade union power erosion
Further reading
- Addison, John. T. The Economics of Codetermination: Lessons from the German Experience. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
- Bennett, J. T., Kaufman, B. E. (eds). What Do Unions Do? A Twenty-Year Perspective. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2007.
- Traxler, F., Kittel, B., Blaschke, S. National Labor Relations in Internationalized Markets. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.
Key references
Schnabel, C. "Union membership
and density: Some (not so) stylized facts and challenges" European Journal of
Industrial Relations 19:3 (2013): 255–272. Key reference: [1]
Calmfors, L., Driffill, J. "Bargaining
structure, corporatism, and macroeconomic performance" Economic
Policy 3:6 (1988): 13–62. Key reference: [2]
Aidt, T. S., Tzannatos, Z. "Trade unions,
collective bargaining, and macroeconomic performance: A
review" Industrial
Relations Journal 39:4 (2008): 258–295. Key reference: [3]
Freeman, R. B., Medoff, J. L. What Do Unions
Do?. New York: Basic Books, 1984. Key reference: [4]
Hirsch, B. T. "What do unions do
for economic performance?" Journal of Labor
Research 25:3 (2004): 415–455. Key reference: [5]
Black, S. E., Lynch, L. M. "How to compete: The
impact of workplace practices and information technology on
productivity" Review of Economics
and Statistics 83:3 (2001): 434–445. Key reference: [6]
Addison, J. T., Belfield, C. R. "Unions and
establishment performance: Evidence from the British Workplace
Industrial/Employee Relations Surveys" In: Wunnava, P. V. (ed). The Changing Role
of Unions: New Forms of Representation. Armonk: M. E. Sharpe, 2004. Key reference: [7]
Wood, S., de
Menezes, L. "High-commitment
management in the UK: Evidence from the Workplace Industrial
Relations Survey and the Employers’ Manpower and Skills
Practices Survey" Human
Relations 51:4 (1998): 485–515. Key reference: [8]
Card, D., Lemieux, T., Riddell, W. Craig. "Unions and wage
structure" In: Addison, J. T., Schnabel, C. (eds). International
Handbook of Trade Unions. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2003. Key reference: [9]
Pontusson, J. "Unionization,
inequality, and redistribution" British Journal of
Industrial Relations 51:4 (2013): 797–825. Key reference: [10]
Bryson, A., Willman, P., Gomez, R., Kretschmer, T. "The comparative
advantage of non-union voice in Britain, 1980–2004" Industrial
Relations 52:S1 (2013): 194–220. Key reference: [11]
Schnabel, C. "Union membership
and density: Some (not so) stylized facts and challenges" European Journal of
Industrial Relations 19:3 (2013): 255–272.
Additional References
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- Addison, J. T., Bailey, R., Siebert, W. S. "The impact of deunionization on earnings dispersion revisited" Research in Labor Economics 26 (2007): 337–363.
- Addison, J. T., Teixeira, P., Evers, K., Bellmann, L. Collective bargaining and innovation in Germany: Cooperative industrial relations?. Bonn: Institute for the Study of Labor, 2013.
- Betts, J. R., Odgers, C. W., Wilson, M. K. "The effects of unions on research and development: An empirical analysis using multi-year data" Canadian Journal of Economics 34:3 (2001): 785–806.
- Blanchflower, D. G., Bryson, A. "Changes over time in union relative wage effects in the UK and the US revisited" In: Addison, J. T., Schnabel, C. (eds). International Handbook of Trade Unions. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2003.
- Blanchflower, D. G., Bryson, A. "Trade union decline and the economics of the workplace" In: Brown, W., Bryson, A., Forth, J., Whitfield, K. (eds). The Evolution of the Modern Workplace. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
- Bowdler, C., Nunziata, L. "Trade union density and inflation performance: Evidence from OECD panel data" Economica 74:293 (2007): 135–159.
- Brown, W., Bryson, A., Forth, J., Whitfield, K. (eds). The Evolution of the Modern Workplace. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
- Bryson, A. "Managerial responsiveness to union and non-union worker voice in Britain" Industrial Relations 43:1 (2004): 213–241.
- Bryson, A., Forth, J., Laroche, P. "Evolution or revolution? The impact of unions on workplace performance in Britain and France" European Journal of Industrial Relations 17:2 (2011): 71–87.
- Bryson, A., Forth, J., Kirby, S. "High-involvement management practices, trade union representation and workplace performance in Britain" Scottish Journal of Political Economy 52:3 (2005): 451–491.
- Card, D., Lemieux, T., Riddell, W. Craig. "Unions and wage inequality" Journal of Labor Research 25:4 (2004): 519–562.
- Dercouliagos, H., Laroche, P. "What do unions do to productivity? A meta-analysis" Industrial Relations 42:4 (2003): 650–691.
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