Further reading
- Alesina, A., and E. La Ferrara. “Ethnic diversity and economic performance.” Journal of Economic Literature 43:3 (2005): 762–800.
- Hamermesh, D. S. Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People Are More Successful. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2011.
- Heckman, J. J. “Detecting discrimination.” Journal of Economic Perspectives 12:2 (1998): 101–116.
Key references
Baert, S. Hiring Discrimination: An Overview of (Almost) All Correspondence Experiments Since 2005. IZA Discussion Paper No. 10738, 2017. Key reference: [1]
Quillian, L., D. Pager, O. Hexel, and A. H. Midtbøen. “Meta-analysis of field experiments shows no change in racial discrimination in hiring over time.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114:41 (2017): 10870–10875. Key reference: [2]
Goldin, C., and C. Rouse. “Orchestrating impartiality: The impact of ‘blind’ auditions on female musicians.” American Economic Review 90:4 (2000): 715–741. Key reference: [3]
Hausman, D. “How Congress could reduce job discrimination by promoting anonymous hiring.” Stanford Law Review 64:5 (2012): 1343–1369. Key reference: [4]
Behaghel, L., B. Crépon, and T. Le Barbanchon. “Unintended effects of anonymous résumes.” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 7:3 (2015): 1–27. Key reference: [5]
Krause, A., U. Rinne, K. F. Zimmermann, I. Böschen, and R. Alt. Pilotprojekt “Anonymisierte Bewerbungsverfahren”—Abschlussbericht. IZA Research Report, 2012. Key reference: [6]
Bøg, M., and E. Kranendonk. Labor Market Discrimination of Minorities? Yes, But Not in Job Offers. MPRA Paper, 2011. Key reference: [7]
Kanninen, O., S. Kiviholma, and T. Virkola. Anatomy of An Anonymous Hiring Pilot. VATT Institute for Economic Research Working Paper No. 338, 2023. Key reference: [8]
Åslund, O., and O. N. Skans. “Do anonymous job application procedures level the playing field?” Industrial and Labor Relations Review 65:1 (2012): 82–107. Key reference: [9]
Krause, A., U. Rinne, and K. F. Zimmermann. “Anonymous job applications of fresh PhD economists.” Economics Letters 117:2 (2012): 441–444. Key reference: [10]
Government of Canada. Name-Blind Recruitment Project—Final Report. Ottawa: Government of Canada, 2018. Key reference: [11]
Hiscox, M. J., T. Oliver, M. Ridgway, L. Arcos-Holzinger, A. Warren, and A. Willis. Going Blind to See More Clearly: Unconscious Bias in Australian Public Service Shortlisting Processes. Barton, ACT: Behavioural Economics team of the Australian Government (BETA), June 2017. Key reference: [12]
Neumark, D. "Age Discrimination in Hiring: Evidence from Age-Blind versus Non-Age-Blind Hiring Procedures” Journal of Human Resources 59:1 (2024): 1-34. Key reference: [13]
Kolev, J., Y. Fuentes-Medel, and F. Murray. "Is blinded review enough? How gendered outcomes arise even under anonymous evaluation” National Bureau of Economic Research, 2019. Working Paper 25759 Key reference: [14]
Grundmann, S., B. Rockenbach, and K. Werner. "The impact of gender information on hiring decisions based on self-set performance targets” Available at SSRN 4867592, 2024. Key reference: [15]
Doleac, J. L., and B. Hansen. "The unintended consequences of “ban the box”: Statistical discrimination and employment outcomes when criminal histories are hidden” Journal of Labor Economics 38:2 (2020): 321-374. Key reference: [16]
Baert, S. Hiring Discrimination: An Overview of (Almost) All Correspondence Experiments Since 2005. IZA Discussion Paper No. 10738, 2017.
Additional References
- Aeberhardt, R., D. Fougère, J. Pouget, and R. Rathelot. "Wages and employment of French workers with African origin." Journal of Population Economics 23:3 (2010): 881–905.
- Beaman, L., R. Chattopadhyay, E. Duflo, R. Pande, and P. Topalova. "Powerful women: Does exposure reduce bias?" Quarterly Journal of Economics 124:4 (2009): 1497–1540.
- Blank, R. M. "The effects of double-blind versus single-blind reviewing: Experimental evidence from the American Economic Review." American Economic Review 81:5 (1991): 1041–1067.
- Cediey, E., and F. Foroni. Discrimination in Access to Employment on Grounds of Foreign Origin in France: A National Survey Based on the Testing Methodology of the International Labour Office. International Labour Office, International Migration Programme, International Migration Paper 85E, 2008.
- Darity, W. A., and P. L. Mason. "Evidence on discrimination in employment: Codes of color, codes of gender." Journal of Economic Perspectives 12:2 (1998): 63–90.
- Edin, P. A., and J. Lagerström. Blind Dates: Quasi-Experimental Evidence on Discrimination IFAU Institute for Labour Market Policy Working Paper 2006:4, 2006.
- Eriksson, S., and J. Lagerström. "Detecting discrimination in the hiring process: Evidence from an internet-based search channel." Empirical Economics 43:2 (2012): 537–563.
- Hlasny, V. "Discriminatory practices at South Korean firms quantitative analysis based on job application forms." European Journal of East Asian Studies 10:1 (2011): 85–113.
- Kuhn, P., and K. Shen "Gender discrimination in job ads: Evidence from China." Quarterly Journal of Economics 128:1 (2013): 287–336.
- Neumark, D. "Detecting discrimination in audit and correspondence studies." Journal of Human Resources 47:4 (2012): 1128–1157.
- Riach, P. A., and J. Rich. "Field experiments of discrimination in the market place." Economic Journal 112:483 (2002): 480–518.